Alexa and the September KindredSpirit Postcard challenge I created an autumn leave postcard. The base was a pre-prepared watercolour postcard which I worked on with various shades of distress ink to create the background.
For the stamping I used real leaves from the garden. The idea came about when a little while ago I found a little table cloth in my drawer which had been decorated with leave prints. And I remembered that my kids and me created this cloth during a weekend activity a VERY long time ago

For the postcard I collected acer leaves in varied sizes which I brushed with acrylic paint and pressed them onto the background - I covered the leave with white paper and rolled it very lightly with a brayer. I like this technique a lot. When taking the leaves off, quite a bit of the leave structure has been preserved

And who is just taking a quick peek from behind the leaves? A little witch from the Octopode Factory who is just about to go for a little ride (sentiment from Red Lead PaperWorks) (lol) - Petra.