Saturday 23 March 2013

Photo Session #4 - Spring Snow

 Officially it is Spring but reality looks slightly different with wet and cold weather. The wind is howling aorund the house and all Spring flowers have been enveloped in a very wet and cold snowy blanket. Keep warm and safe and have a lovely Sunday, Petra.
 Winter aconite


Shelly Schmidt said...

Poor flower! We are the same way- it warms up a little and the flower greens begin to emerge....then snow....!

Valerie-Jael said...

Sieht wunderschön aus, aber wäre Frühling nicht noch schöner!? LG, Valerie

Alexa said...

I do feel sorry for the flower - it really is bitter at the moment but your photo is spectacular! Every ice crystal shows - it's incredible. Did you use a tripod with a long exposure? Love to know the camera settings - I'm on a photographic journey to improve and I would be over the moon with a shot like this! x


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