Saturday 28 December 2013

Lunagirl - Angel Candle

I have always been in awe when seeing these wonderfully decorated candles .... using tissue paper, stamping, and all. I eventually was brave enough to give it a go. I first printed one of Lunagirl Moonbeam's amazing angel images on tissue paper. The printing worked really well. And then I attached it to the candle. This worked sort of well .... the tissue paper crankled slightly but the longer I looked at it the more I liked the look. It has a bit of a distressed crackled feel to it
And I will definitely give it another try, enjoy your weekend, Petra.


Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful!

Brenda Brown said...

It's a beautiful candle Petra. I bet it looks fabulous in your home.
Wishing you a new year filled with joy and happiness.
hugs {brenda} x0x


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